Friday 9 August 2024

The NZETC is now hosted by the National Library of New Zealand

The National Library and Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, are pleased to announce that from Tuesday 2 July 2024 the hosting of the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre (NZETC) will be transferring to the Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, the National Library of New Zealand.

The National Library is making the NZETC available as a web archive. This preserves the content, appearance, and organisation of the original website, whilst also offering enhanced search capabilities.

The National Library will continue to make the NZETC freely available to all researchers and from Tuesday 2 July 2024  you can find it here:

Monday 4 December 2017

The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection and ResearchArchive are now in Wairētō

On Thursday 30 November 2017 the Library launched its new Digital Preservation System called Wairētō (meaning “deep waters”).

Wairētō includes the  New Zealand Electronic Text Collection (NZETC), our repository of heritage digital items, and the Institutional Repository (ResearchArchive) containing the research outputs of the University including Masters and PhD theses.

You are able to search Wairētō quickly and easily through the Library’s discovery service Te Waharoa.

We will continue to run the old sites concurrently for a period of time, so existing links will not be affected immediately.

If you have any questions or feedback please contact Michael Parry.

Monday 13 June 2016

NZETC scheduled mainenance on Tuesday 21st June

The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection will be down for an extended period of time on the morning of Tuesday the 21st of June due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Carnival Student Graduation Programmes are now live

To mark the first graduation ceremony of 2016 the Carnival collection of Victoria student graduation programmes is now live on the NZETC.

The collection contains official ceremony programmes, revue performance scripts and other capping ephemera from 1903 to 1993. Interestingly the early performances included songs in Te Reo Māori.

Victoria's graduation ceremony was initially known as 'capping day' before becoming a week long celebration. Like today a formal capping parade and ceremony was held which was then followed by a student revue performance.

The first Carnival began with a performance at the Sydney Street schoolroom in 1903 and soon moved to the Town Hall. By the 1950s productions were held at the Wellington Opera House. A notable feature of the student revue performance were songs that teased the University and lecturers. In later years the targets of these songs included local and national personalities.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Complete Prose of James K. Baxter digitised for free access

A lifetime of prose by celebrated New Zealand writer James K. Baxter covering over a million words and four hefty hardback books is being released free on the internet by Victoria University.

Baxter’s prose is now accessible through the NZETC (New Zealand Electronic Text Collection), Victoria University’s large and ever-growing digital resource comprising historical texts, manuscripts, and contemporary texts.

Complete Prose was published as a four-volume set last year by Victoria University Press. It is edited by Baxter scholar John Weir, who began working on the publication 40 years ago. Its publication was met with praise by scholars, critics and Baxter fans.

In his review in the NZ Listener, Baxter scholar Paul Millar said, “Reading Baxter’s Complete Prose en masse offers new and unexpected perspectives on his life and work.”

The four volumes draw on Baxter’s prose writing from his first draft of ‘Before Sunrise’ as a teenager in 1942 to his ‘Confession to the Lord Christ’ shortly before his death in 1972. Reviews, essays, lectures, journal articles, interviews and correspondence with friends and critics are some of what readers will be able to browse. The volumes are a chronicle of Baxter’s life and times, his preferences and prejudices, his crises and turbulent occasions.

Fergus Barrowman, publisher at Victoria University Press, says Complete Prose is a significant addition to Baxter scholarship.

Complete Prose is a testament to Baxter’s huge contribution to New Zealand literature, culture and society. In its digital form, it will be readily accessible to many more readers, which will allow a continuing engagement with Baxter’s work.”

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Remember these? The Ready to Read Collection is now live

Get ready for a trip down memory lane as the Ready to Read books that many New Zealand children used to learn to read are now online.

The Ready to Read series was developed for students learning to read and was first published in 1963 by the School Publications Branch of the Department of Education.

The series was ground-breaking in that it was the first attempt to provide early reading materials that were also interesting stories reflecting New Zealand children’s real lives and that used natural language.

The 1963 collection consisted of twelve “little books”, graded by colour (three books at each of four levels: red, yellow, blue, and green) and six longer anthologies.

The little books and the first two of the anthologies are available on the NZETC website at

Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Legal Māori Resource Hub is now live

To mark Māori Language week a new Māori resource called the Legal Māori Resource Hub has been launched.

The hub contains a dictionary of Māori legal terms and a searchable Māori language corpus compiled from our Legal Māori Archive. These resources were produced by the Victoria University of Wellington Law Faculty.

The dictionary can be searched for in Māori and English for Māori terms that describe Western legal concepts and law-related vocabulary. Each dictionary entry contains usage examples from contemporary and historical Māori language resources.

You can also browse the corpus Māori words and examples of how they have been used. Once you have found a word you can view frequency, form and collocation data by clicking the > next to your search word.

We think the hub will be a great resource for students of Māori Studies and Law, and also those wanting to improve their written Māori.

Access the hub at
