Wednesday 15 August 2012

Katherine Mansfield texts added to the collection

We've recently added to the collection The Journal of Katherine Mansfield and Volume II of The Letters of Katherine Mansfield, both edited by John Middleton Murry. When introducing the Journal, Murry suggests that Mansfield intended to publish “a kind of minute note-book” based on her journal entries. You can see why, as there are some fascinating entries inside.

Katherine Mansfield 1921
Katherine Mansfield 1921

Also added recently:

The New Zealand journal, 1842-1844 of John B. Williams of Salem, Massachussett. Williams was based in the Bay of Island from 1842-44. Editor of the text, Robert W. Kenny, describes Willams as "a somewhat chauvinistic Yankee, strongly anti-British, and an ardent believer in using the United States Navy to further the commercial interests of her citizens."
Historical Records of New Zealand Vol. II. By Dr. Robert McNab. This text compiles significant records relating to early European visitors to New Zealand, including those of Tasman, Cook and De Surville.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Problems with the NZETC Works page

We are currently experiencing some difficulty with the NZETC Works page. Users trying to reach this page will get an error message. We are sorry about this and are working to fix this problem.

Users can view our works by accessing the advanced search page and then selecting the option 'show more' next to the heading 'Works' at the top of the screen. Users can continue to browse by author, projects or subject. We are happy to help you locate a text if you are having difficulty doing so, please contact us.

We will also be working to improve the functionality of the Works page in the near future.
