Thursday 4 May 2006

Links with Early New Zealand Books website

On behalf of the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre and the Early New Zealand Books project at Auckland University, I'm pleased to announce an update to the NZETC website, to provide integrated access to all the digitised texts published online by the NZETC and the ENZB.

The NZETC website now includes pages for the authors of all texts digitised by either the NZETC or the ENZB, and these pages provide access to those digitised texts on whichever site they are available.

For one example, see the page about William Colenso:

This page now includes links to digitised editions of two of Colenso's

1) "Notes on the Ancient Dog of the New Zealanders", from the NZETC collection, and
2) "The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi", from the ENZB.

We hope that this data integration will make it easier for people to find early NZ texts online, and also to discover related texts and related personalities, just by browsing the site.

We hope in future to extend the exercise to cover related resources in other online collections. Any feedback is welcome.

I'd like to personally thank John Lawrie from Auckland University for his work on the Auckland end of this data integration.

