Monday 28 May 2012

Additions to the collection

We are happy to announce the addition of new texts to the collection.

•    SMAD Magazine. SMAD magazine was a student publication at VUW that rivalled Spike.
•    Report on the Geology and Goldfields of Otago by F.W. Hutton
•    King Country ; or, Explorations in New Zealand; a narrative of 600 miles of travel through Maoriland by J. H. Kerry-Nicholls
•    The Life and Times of Sir George Grey, KCB by William Lee Rees & Lily Rees
•    The Life and Times of D. M. Stuart by C. Stuart Ross
•    The Journal of Edward Ward
•    A Bibliography of Printed Maori to 1900 by Herbert W. Williams
•    New Zealand 1826-1827: From the French of Dumont D'Urville

We are making some changes to the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre.

The domain name for the NZETC will change from to We are planning on making that change on the 28th of May.  We will be maintaining the old Domain URL as a secondary domain name and putting redirects in place so no links should be broken in the changeover.

The name of the NZETC will change from The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre to The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection. This is a small change being made to reflect that the Centre as a separate entity no longer exists.

The Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) Library continues to maintain its commitment to open access resources, to maintaining the NZETC content and to building new content.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

New Zealand music month

To celebrate the first day of New Zealand music month, here are some NZETC music highlights.

The first are sections in "New Zealand Studies: A Guide to Bibliographic Resources" on Music and Māori Music respectively. These are a little dated, but good places to start for those interested in the roots of New Zealand music.

The second is the music coverage in "Spike," a Student magazine here at Victoria, which includes the founding of the Music program, the Glee Club and classic advertising material.
